Friday, April 22, 2016


Have you captured the beauty of the rock pool creature that you observed?
Yes.  I looked at one of the pictures and that helped me. I put the spikes on the legs so the crab can have good grip. I put spikes on the claws. They pinch people on the toe.

How difficult was it to transfer the patterns from your observational drawing to your Batik?
It was tricky because I had to do a circle and it ended up with lumps in it. It was really hard to concentrate on keeping it straight. The wax was hard to stop from going everywhere.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Easy Blog Photo
I like my pattern because it is cool.

Teacher Only Day

On Friday I wrote a story about teacher only day on my tablet. I wrote a story about firewood on my tablet too. I have an app that I can use to write on. If you press the plus it will come out as white pieces of paper and I have apps that are games.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Getting Firewood

We went to Granddads and Grans house to get some firewood. Granddad had to use the tractor to put the firewood into the trailer. We had to have three lots of loads. We had two juicies in a day. I had an ice-cream for desert. It was delicious.